I am pleased to let you know that I have updated all of the client handouts and have added Additional Handouts about eachRegimen and Ritual. I recommend printing them out and getting to know them as there is so much you can learn from each page. These Handouts are the pages you are welcome (and encouraged) to share with your clients. It is important that we are consistent in the recommendations that we make--especially when clients are so easily confused (because of media, etc...) and soon revert to the old ways (not counting drops, mist and then oil, straight up oil as a massage medium before bed, 12 grain bread, low-fat, too much raw foods....you get the point) unless we give them good reminders.
As you become a firm believer in the practices (through your own experience and your S.O.A.P. Studies) you will be sharing them with confidence--knowing exactly how to pinpoint who needs which handouts for the quickest and most effective path to great skin. ***note-there seems to be a lot of trouble with click-though from this page. If it doesn't work--go though the Apprentice Resources Page and log in from there. All of the Handouts are also in the Google Drive. My apologies for digital hiccups.
Ha! So after I made this video showing everything in a spiral-bound. We unanimously decided that using three three-ring binders (like we used to) works better. But all the information is there and I am still so proud!
Reach us through Brooklyn Herborium
Thank you for visiting. We are so glad that you stopped by! We hope that the information gleaned here helps to make your transition to beautiful, healthy skin the natural way more pleasant and complete. Please email us or set up an appointment for a consultation if you have any questions!