Next week we have so much going on at the Windsor Terrace Workshop!
ORIENTATION On Monday, December 16th we will hold an Orientation for our New Practitioners from 10 am until 2! PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP: If you have not had your orientation and plan to attend this one. If you are interested in helping out at orientation or be a model. If you have already had your orientation and would like to sit in as a refresher. I will try to satisfy everyone's requests as best as I can! There is a new section within your resources page with some good stuff to go over before your orientation--don't worry if you don't get through all of it before Monday. APPRENTICE CIRCLE Tuesday December 17th is a very exciting Apprentice Circle: Herbal Infusions Masterclass for 12:30 to 4:30. I am expecting a bigger group, so please please please let me know (if you haven't already) if you plan to attend so that I can have enough supplies prepared. PRACTICE DAY Wednesday will be a practice day starting at 10. I will only be there for the first 40 minutes (unfortunately) but I expect that others will be around and want to practice on each other. Please let me know if you plan to attend so that we can make sure there's a good balance of maidens and crones... And the GREAT NEWS? In 2020, we will continue holding our Apprentice Circles just about every other Tuesday (twice a month--keep an eye on the calendar, topics might change, but the dates will stay the same unless there is an emergency and I will send out a specific email!) Updates:
Be well, precious humans! We hope to see you soon. Emma & Molly
Reach us through Brooklyn Herborium
Thank you for visiting. We are so glad that you stopped by! We hope that the information gleaned here helps to make your transition to beautiful, healthy skin the natural way more pleasant and complete. Please email us or set up an appointment for a consultation if you have any questions!