My Dearest Practitioner Apprentices,
Thank you for your patience as Molly and I figure out how to “take care of business” and best support you during this global health crisis. As I have been overwhelmed with the amount of “digital information” that has been thrown at me—much of which I need to respond to immediately, I have needed a little extra time for my own “Emotional Housekeeping” in order to work out how I am going to continue your lessons. As you may know, tomorrow is supposed to be an apprentice circle. The sad news is, of course, we will not be meeting in person—BUT the exciting news is that those of you whom have not been able to make it to the apprentice circles may actually have an opportunity to meet with us. Here’s how tomorrow will work: I have scheduled three 30 minute Zoom calls tomorrow. Each will have a different planned topic. You may attend any one or all three of them. The topics will be: Tuesday 2/24/2020 at 1-1:30 pm EST The Remote Consultation ------------ Tuesday 2/24/2020 at 2-2:30 pm EST The Ideal Functional Skin Care Regimen ------------- Tuesday 2/24/2020 at 3-3:30 pm EST How to Teach Our Massage Techniques Virtually ------------ All of these will be recorded and shared following the meetings. I have also recorded a sessions from a consultation that I did this past Saturday with the permission to share it with you. In addition, I am rolling out each of our lessons via keynote presentations. Each lessons will provide a PDF of the pages that we are working with as well as an audio session that may or may not have a corresponding visual presentation. As these lessons will be made available to the entire Brooklyn Herborium Community (Apprentices, Herbalcrafters, and Practitioners of all levels) there will be certain concepts that we will return to again and again. I intend these lessons to be simple and informative with an emphasis on sharing knowledge with you so that you can contemplate and do the work on your own time. More on these lessons as they are available. As many of you know, I am working on this from my tiny apartment with 2 small children who are home from school, so I expect that it will get interesting! I just need to keep reminding myself: “Start where you are and do the best you can with whatever you have!” Please RSVP to [email protected] and I will give you the password to get into the meeting! I hope to see you tomorrow. Be well, Emma
Reach us through Brooklyn Herborium
Thank you for visiting. We are so glad that you stopped by! We hope that the information gleaned here helps to make your transition to beautiful, healthy skin the natural way more pleasant and complete. Please email us or set up an appointment for a consultation if you have any questions!